Online purchases
If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, please contact us within 24 (twenty-four) hours of receiving your order. We only accept returns on online purchases where we have supplied the incorrect product or if the item is damaged or faulty. If the item in question is damaged or faulty, we undertake to replace it on condition that we are contacted timeously and that the item is received within 5 (five) working days of your contacting us, along with all original packaging and receipts.
If you need to return your purchase for either of the reasons above, please contact us and we will arrange for the courier service and necessary insurance. We cannot be held liable for parcels sent to us that have not been prior arranged through our courier service and via our offices.
Returns may be liable for a 15% handling charge.
Should a replacement not be possible, we will refund the purchase price upon receipt of the returned products. You are also welcome to visit any of our branches within the first 14 (fourteen) days of receiving your order if you wish to exchange your purchase for an alternate product.
In-store purchases
We have a very open door policy regarding exchanges. We understand that surprising a loved one may not always go according to plan, and that you will want to ensure the gift can be exchanged if the receiver should prefer something else.
We are happy to exchange any purchase within the first 14 days of purchase as long as it is in its original condition with its packaging and you have your receipt.
Exchanges may be made at any of our branches. Should we not have your desired design or model in stock, we are able to issue you with a credit note that can be utilised at any time.
We will only offer a refund in the event that the item purchased is faulty. Refunds can only be made within the first 6 months of the purchase date.